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Unified State Labs
Apline Credit Union - BECx
Blackstone Headquarters - Cx
Black Oak Casino -BECx
Cornerstone At Cottonwood Corporate Center - BECx
St John Properties Valley Grove Office Tower - Cx
Alpine Credit Union - BECx
Watt Development 333 South Main Street - RCx
doTERRA - Cx (10 buildings)
Watt Development - RCx
Renovate Logistics Space Advance Solutions Group - Cx
Snowbird El Chante expansion, Hidden Peak, Cogeneration Plant - Cx
Rocky Mountain Power Essential Services, and Headquarters - Cx
Old Mill I Office Building - RCx
America First Credit Union Adminstration Building - Cx
America First Credit Union - Boise, Riverton Branches - Cx
Myriad Genetics 3 buildings - RCx/Cx
Valley Grove Offices - Cx/BECx
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